
Friday, July 11, 2014


We are learning so much with our 33 "fantabulous" writing buddies. And, thanks to Kristen, all of us will be able to submit to the the agents/editors here. SQWEEEEE! 
Here are a few snippets from all of us regarding this fabulous week.

Hello, Peeps, this is Janie direct from the writing retreat. Just dropping in to tell you some of the wonderful things going on. 

The waterfalls and lovely camp grounds are relaxing and calming. Just the ticket to write and revise your work after a morning of exhilarating speakers (Lisa Wheeler and Karen Grencik).

The most amazing event for me is meeting people in the flesh after  knowing them virtually. As a GROGer, I now have the pleasure of getting a hug from Kathy, Sherri, Jackie, and Marcie. 

As a Picture Book Scribbler, (my online critique group) I am sharing a cabin with Donna Sadd, Pat Miller, and Ann Magee. Needless to say, we are talking up a storm and not getting much sleep. Yeah! for meeting every one here.

Kathy here again. This afternoon we met for the first time with our critique groups with whom we'll work for the rest of the week. The groups stay the same, but our facilitators change, which means we have the benefit of the professional opinions of editors, published picture books authors and agents. We can choose to perfect the same manuscript or submit a new manuscript each session. WOW is truly the word. Tonight is our dress-up and campfire night. Luckily it stopped raining and we a ready to write and bond S'MORE! 

 Sherri here:
Great Glorious Grogger Gathering. Can it get any better? We all connected right away--like we'd been friends forever. We're Learning lots of stuff; we're Burning the midnight oil; we're Yearning for a picture book sale. The mountain air clears our head. The rustic cabins help us to "get back to basics." Write from your heart. You have a story only you can tell. So, go to it. The children are waiting.

Marcie Flinchum Atkins: These are "my people." We speak the same language--the language of story. I always feel a camaraderie with writers, but somehow, I feel like I've known these people for a long time, and I'm just know meeting them in 3-D. With a mix of time to gain new tools and time to write, this is truly a retreat with time to make our stories better. 

And to reward you with reading this far on the GROG:
 a s'more 

two fabulous web sites you WILL use as a writer: WritersDietTest  and Word Associations.  Happy Trails.


  1. Sounds like a great retreat. So glad for all of you!

  2. Glad you're having a marvelous time! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Enjoying your summaries. . . And being with you in person. What a fantastically productive and insightful week we are having!

  4. Appreciations for the S'mores, pictures, good news about the widening of attendees' submission worlds & Marcie, the 2 links. I tried the diet! Fun.

    Hi to everyone from away.

  5. The WOW PB Retreat sounds like such a treat for all of my GROGger writerly friends. May I please have a bite of a scrumptious s'more? Thank you. ~Suzy

  6. Those two links are golden - thank you!

  7. So wishing I were there with you guys! Next year!

  8. I heard so many wonderful things about the retreat -- I'm hoping that I can swing attendance next year. Can't wait to check out those websites, Marcie.
    For those in SCBWI-Illinois, we'll have a chance to hear Karen Grencik at this year's Prairie Writer's Day. Hooray!

  9. Thank you GROGers for sharing my first most excellent adventure in writing!! Keeps the heart happy :)
