
Friday, October 31, 2014

Book Lover's Day ~Suzy Leopold

Do you know that tomorrow, the first Saturday in November, is National Book Lover's Day?

Many of you may know that National Book Lover’s Day is also celebrated on August 9th. This special day, celebrated twice a year, encourages you to select a good book and find a favorite reading spot, while reading away as much of the day as possible.
If you are a bookworm, like me, you don’t need a designated day to celebrate the love of reading.
Grab a tall stack of books!
There are many ways to experience the love of the written word. Here are some creative ways to celebrate reading together with the book lovers in your life.
Happy Fall!
Visit the library
Pull out your library card and become reacquainted with some new and old books. Check out a tall stack of books that includes a variety of genres. The best thing is all of the books are free. Read the calendar for the month of November and note the upcoming events for you and the kids. Having fun isn’t hard if you have a library card.

Visit a local indie book store
Support your community and small businesses and head on over to a local book store. Perhaps you will find a comfy chair to sit in and read for a spell. Many even offer beverages and snacks. Enjoy sipping a cup of hot coffee or tea while reading a novel.

Give the gift of reading
Share the love of words with others by passing along a recommended book or two, to family members and friends. Volunteer to read books to students at a school library and/or the public library. Give books as gifts for birthdays, weddings, Valentine’s Day, baby showers, anniversaries, Hanukkah, Christmas and other holidays and celebrations. Remember to include Book Lover’s Day, as a day to give the gift of reading.

Host a book club
Gather together with friends and join in on stimulating conversations about favorite reads. All members can take turns hosting the gathering and serving refreshments. Vote on book recommendations that the group may want to consider reading.

Reread an old favorite
Drop in on some “old friends” and your favorite characters. Pull a dusty book off of the bookshelf and get lost in the plot of a once favorite book read many years ago. Spend some time rereading your favorite books.

Host a book lover’s party
Invite guests over as you celebrate the love of reading. Dress as a favorite literary character or author. Everyone can enjoy the party by sharing and recommending a book title. Vote on the best costume and the winner receives a prize. Be creative. Consider a subscription for a magazine or a book giveaway; even a gift card for a local indie book store is always appreciated.

Donate a book
Pass on well-loved books to those who are in need. Many libraries accept donations of books. Consider donating books to individuals who live in an independent living/assisted care facility.

Contact a favorite author
Many authors can be contacted through Facebook, Twitter or a website. Take some time to inform an author about the kind of impact they’ve had on your life.

Books are easy to get lost in. Books take the reader to new places. Books share new information. 

Did you know that there are researched based benefits of being a reader?
Readers are more intelligent.
Reading can change your life.
Book interventions benefit 
depression & disabled children.
Reading makes you healthier.
A Day at the Pumpkin Patch
By Megan Faulkner & Adam Krawesky
What book[s] will you devour on Book Lover’s Day? How will you while the way, for hours, lost in a book? Where will you kick back and relax with a great book? Share how you plan to celebrate the love of literacy.
Mr. Scarecrow enjoys reading
Pumpkin Circle The Story of a Garden By George Levenson


  1. Great list of ideas, Suzy! You can even start celebrating books today. Neil Gaiman came up with the idea for All Hallow's Read -- share a scary book with someone. More details here.

    1. Hi Patty: I would love to be a hostess for a Book Lover's Soirée. And guess who I would invite? All of my GROG friends, of course.

      Who needs to wait for a designated Book Lover's Day anyway? Read, write and create every day.

      Enjoy some good books to as you celebrate All Hallow's Read by Neil Gaiman.

  2. What gorgeous pictures and great ways to celebrate. AND, tomorrow begins PiBoIdMo.

    1. Hi Kathy: The colors of Autumn are so lovely. Fall has definitely arrived on the prairie. The wind is howling and them temperature is the thirties.

  3. Lovely to know this! Appreciations for yet another reason to luv tomorrow Suzy.
    And such great imaages with this post.
    To answer your great Q-
    I will be devouring the middle grade novel that is the current school assignment for student I mentor, titled, Double Dutch by Sharon Draper.
    I will also read picture books that are in a stack, waiting for my eyes on them.

    Halloween Happiness to you & all the Groggers!

    j a n

    1. Hi Jan: May you have reasons to enjoy and love every day.

      I look forward to learning more about the middle school novel, Double Dutch by Sharon Draper that you and the kids are reading.

      Happy Book Lover's Day!

  4. I'm caught up on all my assignments. Hooray, I can read today. I love your fall decor!

  5. Tina: That is a good feeling to know you are caught up. Enjoy the day reading and then reading some more. You must feel accomplished. Happy Autumn. ~Suzy

  6. Yeah! A reason to justify what I would be doing anyway! :) Thank you for sharing such a smart list of ideas on how to love and appreciate books.


  7. Todd: As writers and educators, we understand the importance of reading every day and do not need a national day to remind us to do so. What fun would it be to gather together as GROGgers. I would delight in hosting a Book Lover's Party with good books and good food for all. ~Suzy
