
Monday, May 11, 2015

Meet Author Tracey Cox ~By Suzy Leopold

Admired, appreciated, and awesome! I consider this featured author a writerly friend that is dear to my heart. Please meet terrific Tracey Cox.
Tracey Cox and her
Terrific Smile.
What inspired you to write your first book? 

My children. I've always loved to listen to stories and then write stories, but I never thought of taking it further. Then one night, Son #1 and Son #2 wanted to hear another story. So I thought about a frog family who needed to move and took them on an adventure to find a new, better home. When I finished telling the story, Son#2 was sound asleep, but Son#1 sat up, looked me straight in the eye, and said, “Mom. That would make a cool book!” He laid down, went to sleep, and I thought, “Why not?” I went to the computer, typed in “How to write a children's story”, and I haven't looked back since.

How are you promoting your books?

I promote my books with book trailers, tweeting and facebooking about them, they have their own web page on my site, I am thinking about holding a book-birthday event this year as Ribbert's Way Home will be five years old in October!!! 

I love to visit schools and libraries, too !!! I have several presentations for the various age groups. Everything from being a SUPER STORYTELLER to How I Do What You Do to What It Takes to Become a Writer. I also am working on individual presentations for a few of my books that are specific topics, asthma awareness, stranger danger and the importance of exercising.  

What inspires you to write? What inspires you to read, write, create and draw? Why do you want to write for children?

I want to write and draw for children because of the innocence that they have. The world is new and there are things to explore and overcome. Their world is simpler (and don't we need that). They are what I hope to become, not to judge, but to embrace everything.

Tell us about your bright, fun illustrations? What medium do you use?

Tracey's Storyboard
I use pencil first to thumbnail. Plus, I have a gigantic story board to make sure the flow well. Once I have the idea down and like how it moves, I use my computer and begin drawing and creating digital images.

Share with us information about your Summer Sparks writing challenge.

I started Summer Sparks when I kept running out of steam during the Summer. I noticed a lot of other writers did the same calling ir our "Summer Slump". I was inspired by Tara Lazar's PiBoIdMo and decided to do something similar. Summer Sparks is a challenge to come up with 14 picture book ideas in 14 days. It starts June 21st [the first day of summer] and runs to July 4th. Hopefully, those ideas will be making a much noise as fireworks.

If had to chose, which writer would you consider a mentor.

Eve Bunting!!! Hands down. She is amazing!!!!!! [*Sorry for all of those exclamation points. I went a little fan girl there.  Hahaha!*] But seriously, she has written on so many subjects and different genres and does it so well. I sent a letter to her when I first got into SCBWI, telling her what an amazing author I though she was. Would you believe she emailed me back!???! She did! A-maz-ing!

What books are you currently reading?

Picture books, picture books, picture books. Lots and lots of picture books. I think I need a support group! Hahaha!

What is your current WIP or what is your next project?

My current project is a book trailer I'm working on for my next book that will be coming out this Summer with Xist Publishing. The Children at the Playground explores all the fun things you can do at the playground.
How can one complete any writing
with this cutie sitting right by your side, Tracey?
Extra treats for you, Yankee! Tell Momma Sue said so!
If you could invite five authors to dinner who would you chose?

Umm, hard choice, but I'll give it a shot:
1. Eve Bunting [are you surprized???]
2. Katie Davis
3. Julie Gribble
4. Bethany Telles
5. Kate DiCamillo
+++++ too many more !!!!!!!!!!

What words of wisdom do you or piece of advice do you have for aspiring writers? 

Don't give up. Constantly work on your craft. Attend workshops, webinars, conferences, anything to surround yourself with other writers. Writing isn't easy, but it is worth all the hard work and effort you put into it.

Where can readers find out more about you?

Tracey's Blog: Tracey M. Cox Author/Illustrator & Picture Book Reviewer:

Tracey's Professional Facebook Page:

Tracey's Facebook Page:

Check out Tracey's web site for all of her social media links.

Thank you, Tracey, for sharing your thoughts, successes, tips, and writing journey with us.


  1. Great to know Tracy better. She's a class act.

    1. Your thoughts about Tracey are correct, Kathy. She is one of a kind. There is nothing pretentious about Tracey.

  2. I'm looking forward to that dinner, Tracey! Thank you for the invite to join you and your lovely guests! ;-)

    1. And I will be happy to cook and serve this lovely group of authors once Tracey tells me what is on the menu, Julie. May I entice you with some fresh garden goodness and baked goodies? Cheers!
      ~Garden Girl AKA Sue AKA Suzy ; ]

  3. Love to hear how other people are inspired to write...thanks for introducing us to Tracey, Suzi!

    1. And it is my pleasure to introduce you to Tracey, Darlene. I know you and she have many of the same interests. It's all about sharing the love of reading with kids. Hugs for you.

  4. I loved reading this, Suzy and Tracey! That is a wonderful story of how Tracey's first book came to be and a fantastic interview!

    1. Thank you, Ariel. The GROGgers love it when you stop by and read.

  5. Nice interview, ladies! Tracey, I didn't realize you illustrated as well. Cool!

  6. Very nice interview, Suzy and Tracey! Thanks for all of your kidlit contributions! So much inspiration from sunshiny Tracey! :)

    1. Thank you, Cute Carrie, for reading All About Tracey.

  7. Tracey's artistic creativity, grin & enthusiasm are catching.
    The links look gre8t.
    Appreciations for introducing a new aritst/author to me, Suzy!

    1. You have described Tracey perfectly, Jan. Thank YOU for your support.

  8. Great to get to know more about you, Tracey!

    1. Thank you, Patty. It is my pleasure to introduce you and our GROG followers to Tracey.
