
Monday, January 4, 2016


By Janie Reinart

I love opening a new pack of crayons, note cards, or a new journal.  You can imagine how excited I am for a new year. Then I saw a short paragraph in a magazine. . .

"Increase your chance for success by focusing on what matters most . . . This free program empowers you to identify and work toward improvements promising the greatest satisfaction."

So I took a look at

The first activity was to come up with seven or more goals. Each card has a space to type in your objective. When you finished typing in your ambition, the program has you select what goal you would choose to do first between two of your cards. 

Would you do this first or this?

After cycling through all your goals, you end up with your #1 goal. You can repeat the process with new ideas.  

This turned out to be my #1 goal. Not what I expected. 

Next the program gives you a chance to journal about what you can change to accomplish your goals.

I am going to try to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. There never seems to be enough hours in a day!

Another step says,"This activity helps you put everyone else’s needs aside for a while and reflect on your own priorities.

As a mom of five children and grandmommy to thirteen grandchildren, I admit this step was difficult for me. I don't think about my priorities. More time to reflect and journal. 

I am going to have to work at this. I am considering setting a timer to make sure I get my writing time in each day.

The program goes on, "Get to the root of who you are to determine if the goals you want to accomplish are what will make you happy.  

Wishing all of you great success in the new year and hoping you all accomplish what will make you happy. Share your goals so we can cheer you on.


  1. Great way to start the year, Janie! I am going to be more active- checking out a gym program today and my word for the year is follow-through. Ty for getting us going in 2016.

    1. Yeah, Kathy! You go girl! I like your word for the year!

    2. "Follow-through" defines you already, methinks dear Kathy. HNY!

  2. As someone who "never has time," I appreciate this so much! I'm going to do the process and see what I come up with. Best wishes to you & all GROG readers in making & reaching goals this year!

    1. Jane we can do it! It was a fascinating way to approach the topic. Have fun and good luck!

  3. Having clear goals helps you know what to say yes to--and no! That can make your time more effective. Happy New Year, Janie, and Groggers!

  4. Janie: Happy New Year to you.

    Thank you for your encouragement. A writer does need goals. If you don't know where you are headed or what road to take, how will you know when you are there?

    I am beginning with small steps. I am showing a willingness as I begin with an open heart.

    Sharing some SMART ideas to set goals:
    Specific: Write clear, precise and definite goals that provide a target. If goals are too broad or too general they will be hard to achieve. 
    Measurable: Goals must be written so that a writer can measure progress and know when the goals are achieved. Goals are useless if they can't be measured.
    Attainable: Think about the steps to take to achieve the goals.
    Relevant: Make sure the goals are just right; not too easy and not too challenging.
    Timely: Follow a definite timeline. As you check your progress, adjust as need be.

    Happy writing.

    1. Wow! Suzy that was awesome. Love your points especially using a timeline! Happy writing!

  5. Thanks for the post, Janie. I'm focusing right now on older mss. Going to see if any need to have the dust blown off and polished.

    1. Tracey, you rock! Have fun and good luck!

  6. Thanks for the post, Janie. I'm focusing right now on older mss. Going to see if any need to have the dust blown off and polished.

  7. Thanks for the resource. I'm curious to see what happens when I give it a try. Happy New Year, Janie!

    1. Kristi, let us know the outcome. I was surprised with mine!

  8. Thank you Janie for sharing this helpful post. I will definitely look into it.

    1. Therese, wishing you much fun and success!

  9. Yes, Janie, focus! Its hard for me sometimes because I tend to make excuses when things don't go just as I thought they would...I wander away. I've been participating in a few New Year's motivational writing blogs, and from Julie Hedlund's 12 days of Christmas, I took away the idea of making a book cover. FOCUS is on there, loud and clear. Keep after me, Janie, and I might just do it!!! Thanks.

    1. Mona, let's hold each others hand! We can do it! Like Kathy said, we have to follow through.

  10. Appreciations, Janie!

    My special best New Year cheers for this inspiration you share
    + for our readers + Grog-writers.

    My goal is to put the right words down, in the right order.
    Again. And, Again.
    And then, to take out the right words.

  11. I think I'll give this a whirl, Janie. It'll be interesting to see what goals end up being the priority for the year. Happy 2016!

    1. Patricia, let us know what shows up as your #1 goal. Happy writing!

  12. Janie, this is a great idea! Thanks for a thought provoking and helpful post for the new year!

    1. Kristi, Glad you liked it. Happy New Year!
