
Friday, March 25, 2016

Story Time ~By Suzy Leopold

Many people love good bookstores. But writers, well . . .  we are enamored with our local indie bookstores as places of wonder.  These brick-and-motor stores are the heart of the community offering much more than books.

The sight of shelves packed with books from all genres, the sound of the children’s enthusiasm, and the rustling of turning pages all warm my heart.
Children's Books
Mrs. Sue shares stories
during story time
My favorite independent bookstore is located in Edwardsville, Illinois. The two-story yellow frame house is inviting and comfortable with numerous spots for adults and children to plop down and read. This bookstore is family owned and operated and offers numerous events including story time for children. At Afterwords Books, Story Time takes place every Tuesday at ten o’clock and Saturday at 11:00am.
Afterwords Books
Edwardsville, Illinois

As a writer under construction, my relationship with LuAnn Locke, owner of Afterwords Books, has become beneficial for both of us. Every Tuesday I spend time with little bookworms and their families sharing the love of literacy during Story Time at Afterwords Books.

Afterwords Books
LuAnn Locke, Owner

Since this community bookstore goes above and beyond to make itself a destination for families to share the love and value of reading, while browsing bookshelves for just the right book, I am excited to participate in story time. 

Reading books to kids in the neighborhood offers me, as a pre-published writer, an opportunity to connect with the children in our community. Story time has become an extension for my writing. Spending time with the kids gives me an insight into books that capture the kids’ attention, their likes and dislikes and most importantly their reaction to the books that I read and share with them. The kids always let me know their thoughts about the books through active participation and positive reactions. If a book is “liked”, the kids share two thumbs up. A thumb held in the horizontal position indicates the listeners “kinda liked” the book and thumbs down, well you know what that means. Thus far, I have noted all thumbs up. 

Many GROG Blog readers know how important it is to read and study stellar picture books. What better way to analyze top notch literature through the eyes of my reading buddies.

My motto is: Read, Write and Create Every Day. 
And that I do try to do each and every day. However, there are times when reading during story time is the best excuse for not writing. 

I can't help but feel I belong here, just as I did in the classroom and just as I do with my after school and summer school reading buddies.
Story Time
Story time helps me to grow as a writer. Support your local indie bookstores.


  1. Afterwords is such a perfect name for a lovely, two story, yellow family bookstore. A wonderful look at your community reading, Suzy. LuAnn & the folks are lucky to have you.
    And your motto is perfect, too. Brava!

    1. Your words of encouragement warm my heart, Jan. Big hugs.

  2. I LOVE that you do a weekly story time at this delightful independent bookstore. What a great way to keep on the best in picture books and get to interact with littlest readers! Happy reading (and writing)!

    1. Sharing the love of literacy with the kids in my community is an amazing experience. Doing so helps me to grow as a writer.

      You and your books are admired, Laura. Thank you.

  3. Bravo, Suzy. What a great set of programs and opportunities you are offering your community as an "author-under-construction." Great post.

    1. Your continued support and words of encouragement are appreciated.

      Thank you, Kathy.
      ~Prairie Garden Girl

  4. How fun! I'm doing my first library story time in May, but to ESL kids or those who don't know English at all.

    1. You, too, are sure to find the story time experience filled with fun that supports your writing, Tina.

      My ELLs [English Language Learners], preschool through 8th grade acquired so much when I read picture books to them. It is an effective way to model fluent reading and develop language, vocabulary and comprehension for ELL students.

      I look forward to hearing about your library story time. Thank you, Tina.

  5. Such an inviting place! Envious of you! :D

    1. Well, you must know that you and your writing are admired, Tracey.

      Thank you my writerly friend.

  6. What a wonderful opportunity you have, Suzy!

    1. For sure, Jarm. I am thankful for the opportunity to share picture books with the kids and their families during Tuesdays Story Time at Afterwords Books.

      Your thoughts are appreciated.

  7. Loved reading how the proprietor of this bookstore has made it the hub of your community and given people a place where they can feel comfortable.

    1. Julie: Everyone is welcome at Afterwords Books with top notch customer service. The proprietor is proud to be recognized with two awards: The INDIE Top Ten Independent Small Businesses, Nationwide, for three consecutive years beginning in 2013, followed by 2014, *AND* 2015. Additionally, she is a member of the American Booksellers Association.

      LuAnn collaborates with local shops and stores. For example, at Christmas time, after reading GINGERBREAD BABY by Jan Brett, gingerbread cookies, from a local bakery down the street were served to the kids.

      Many local authors are featured as special guests during Story Time, including Jennifer Ward and Dan Killeen.

      Your comment is appreciated.

  8. "A writer under construction" - ha! Love that, Suzy.

    1. I hear your laughter, Cathy! As a prepublished writer I continue to hone the craft of writing for kids while adding more tools to my writer's tool belt.

      Thank you.

  9. Thank you for sharing a good time with children in a great place-love this!

    1. Hi Cute Charlotte:
      Perhaps you have a local indie bookstore in your neighborhood that you enjoy spending time at.

      Thank you for your comment.

  10. Sounds like a lot of fun for everyone! What is the average age of the kids? Would you mind sharing some of their "2 thumbs-up" books?

    1. Hi Mary, Since I read to kids on Tuesday morning, they are all wee ones that includes toddlers and preschoolers. For me to give you a list of *two thumbs up titles*, I would need to share ALL of the books that I read. This age group LoVeS all books that are read to them, so ALL books are books that the kids want to hear again and again.

  11. I do love my indie bookstores! The people there are always so happy to help me find exactly what I'm looking for!

    1. The outstanding customer service is always a nice personal touch at Afterwords Books. It's good that you, too, can find the assistance that you need at your neighborhood indie bookstore, Juliana.

  12. I know that your story times benefit both the reader and you. It's win-win!

    1. For sure, Patty. You are correct. Story Time is beneficial for everyone.
