
Monday, April 11, 2016

A Poem for Writers -- by Christy Mihaly

For Poetry month, here at GROG we've reached back into the vaults. 

Where did that muse go?
Today's poem is dedicated to all those writers who worry, from time to time, that their muse has gone missing; and all those writers who keep on writing despite the distractions at hand.

Enjoy! And keep the faith.


Inspiration, where’s thy flow?
My Muse, elusive, just won’t show.

Butt in chair, and hands on keys,
My mind floats off upon the breeze.

Clearly I’m no good at this,
My composition’s hit-or-miss.

As the minutes tick on by
My story line begins to die.

Why keep up this “writer” pose?
My verses simply decompose!

Then, I hear a small voice call:
My baby’s crying, down the hall.

Right on cue, a brainstorm comes,
My babe wakes up, and my head hums!

Hurry, quick! I’ve no more time –
My words begin to rush, and rhyme!

“Coming, Sweetie Pie,” I shout;
My fingers fly, thoughts tumble out.
No, Cheddar. That's BUTT in chair.

Naptime’s done! I shake my head,
My little Muse is out of bed.

-- by Christy Mihaly

©2014 Christy Mihaly 
all rights to poem reserved


  1. Love this, Christy. We can ALL relate to it.

    1. Thanks Kathy. It seemed appropriate for this month, especially with RhyPiBoMo going on.

  2. yup - and that's exactly how it goes!

  3. Thank you, Christy :) That muse is elusive and I keep chasing!

  4. My favorite line is: "My versus just decompose." Thank you, Chris and Cheddar, too.

  5. Luvved this then, Luv it NOW! I needed that, Christy! XX

  6. Thanks, Jan . . . and good luck getting into your flow.
