
Monday, May 30, 2016

The SCBWI Summer Reading List ~By Suzy Leopold

Fifty stars and 13 stripes. The American flag is a symbol of the land that I love.

Our American flag not only symbolizes the thirteen original colonies and fifty states, it is a symbol of the millions of U. S. war veterans, those living and those who've perished. I salute all men and women in the US Air Force, US Army, US Coast Guard, US Navy and the US Marines, currently serving and those who have served. God bless America.
For many families Memorial Day is the unofficial start of the summer, even though the first day of summer begins June 20, 2016. As we gather together with family and friends for picnics, cookouts and outdoor activities, stop for a moment of silence and remember and observe the true meaning of Memorial Day and the many freedoms and opportunities that we have as American citizens.

Start the summer off right with baseball, apple pie, and books.
After listening to educators and librarians, SCBWI has published and released its first ever Summer Reading List. 
The list includes over 1,400 titles from 350 publishers by SCBWI members world wide. The summer reading list is set up into fifteen geographical regions [the same regions as Crystal Kites Award] and organized by genre and the following grade levels:

  • Kindergarten - Grade Two
  • Third - fifth grade
  • Sixth - eight grade
  • Ninth - twelfth grade

"The ultimate goal of this program is to give our PAL members more exposure, and to instill the love of books and reading in children, so they become life-long readers." 

A PAL publisher is a member of SCBWI who has published a book with a recognized professional publisher. You can find the list here: PAL Publishers.
April Issue.

The plan is to share one list in the summer and one list during the winter.

Share this Summer Reading List with readers, writers, librarians, bookstores, indie book store owners, and all consumers of literature:

SCBWI Summer Reading List 2016

Look for recommended titles of books for your state or the region where you reside. Check out other regions and compare the suggested titles listed for your state. 
What books will you read this summer? 

Help promote the joy of reading as well as the love of writing by authors from around the world.


  1. Thanks for highlighting this, Suzy! Although I received the SCBWI email about it, I hadn't taken time to investigate.

    1. With over 1,000+ amazing titles there is quite a bit to investigate, Tina. Hope you find some time to do so.

  2. I am also looking at it for publishers I might want to whom I may want to submit. Great way to kick off the summer for us, Suzy, our prairie reader girl!

    1. This Prairie Reader Girl wishes you the best with your reserach for the "just right" publisher, Kathy.

  3. Thank you for reminding us about honoring our service members and including reading in our summer plans!

    1. Am thankful for the many men and women who honor and serve. Happy summer reading, Patty.

  4. I was lucky enough to be featured in this list with my picture book, THE STORY CATCHER. Thanks for helping get the word out about this wonderful resource for great summertime reading!

    Donna L Martin

    1. Excellent! THE STORY CATCHER deserves to be featured, Donna. All the best with your reading and writing this summer.

  5. Oh boy, oh joy! More books. Can't wait to check this out. So many book, so little time. Thanks, Suzy.

    1. I agree with you, Sherri. There are not enough hours in the day to do what I want to do that includes reading, writing and creating.

  6. So many appreciations, Suzy.
    I hope to look at this list soon.

    1. Enjoy the list, Jan. You are sure to find some outstanding titles.
