
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving Wishes ~By Suzy Leopold

Thanksgiving is a special time of the year to express gratitude as family and friends gather together to celebrate.

Why do many give thanks only once a year on the third Thursday of November? There is power in giving thanks every day. Research indicates the importance of giving thanks makes one happier, healthier, and more productive.

My list of gratitude is long. It includes: 

  1. My husband Perry, who believes in me
  2. A loving family that includes seven grands
  3. Our son who is serving in the United States Air Force
  4. Good health and happiness
  5. The freedom to make choices
  6. A garden on the Illinois Prairie that produces fresh, organic vegetables, fruit, and flowers.
  7. Opportunities to share my love of reading and literacy with young adults at Lincoln Land Community College and my [after school elementary level] reading buddies
  8. Story time at Afterwords Book Store and much more.
Airman Nathan
I'm also thankful to read, write, and create every day.

Homemade pumpkin pie
May I serve you?

Do hope you can spend some time reading and writing this Thanksgiving weekend. Grab some leftovers, a piece of paper and pen or your computer.

Perhaps you will:

  1. Create a gratitude list
  2. Write about your Thanksgiving traditions
  3. Interview family members at your Thanksgiving table.
  4. Set new writing goals

And as you write, think about how thankful you are to express yourself. 

"Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity; it must be produced and discharged, and used up in order to exist at all."

~William Faulkner
Autumn creation
Celebrate the meaning of Thanksgiving throughout the year.


  1. Such a thoughtful post, Suzy. Thankful for knowing you and all you bring to children and writers. You are such creator!

    1. And I am thankful for you, Kathy. You are always supportive and encouraging.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you, Bob, and family.

    2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family we are thankful for all your done for the Hansson’s Family as a teacher, friends❤️

  2. You are inspiring. I will add you to my gratitude list! Have a wonderful thanksgiving...everyday!

    1. Dear Sweet Stephanie,

      You are on my list of daily prayer. Blessings for good health.

      Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Suzy, wonderful ideas! Happy Thanksgiving ... and I am thankful for this Group Blog and the overall writing community!

    1. There are many blessings to be thankful for.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Eileen.


  4. I am thankful that I wake up each morning. And that I get to do what I love every day. And this morning, I'm also thankful for rain! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Lists of gratitude always warm my heart with a sense of appreciation. If I'm having an off day, I'll revisit the list.

      May a rainbow follow the rain you are grateful for.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jilanne.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving & happy being thankful every day of the year!

    1. Every day, may we find happiness and gratitude, Patricia.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.

  6. I am thankful for the wonderful kidlit community we have

  7. Lovely thanksgiving list & post! Happy Thanksgiving!!

    1. Thank you, Tina. All the best to you and your family.

  8. Hi Suzy, Here it is, Sunday, and I'm just getting around to catching up on emails. This "thankful" post is a great way to start this morning off. I'm thankful for you and all of my other kidlit friends and that's just the beginning of my l-o-n-g list beautiful things that fill my life daily.

    1. Hi, Mona! And I, too, am thankful for you, my writerly friend.
