
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Summer Creativity: Get Out & Do Something Unexpected by Tina Cho


Golf ball statue in West Des Moines, Iowa

Summer is about over for me, as I head back into my classroom. Every day I have an agenda to make the most out of my summer. But sometimes, taking time to do the unexpected can be a much needed creative outlet for the brain. 

One late afternoon I went with my husband to the driving range. Before we had kids, I used to go quite often with him. But last month, I putted on the little practice greens and enjoyed doing something different. 

Doing the unexpected awakens adrenaline, makes your brain active, leads to new opportunities and passions, can humble you, and improve relationships. 

Doing something unexpected and new can also lead to writing opportunities and new ideas. What's something new you've done this summer? Leave a comment!

The best things in life are unexpected--
because there were no expectations.
--Eli Khamarov


  1. I agree, Tina. And doing something different, for me, is like taking a mini-vacation. It allows space for my creativity to stretch, or to take a nap. And sometimes it jiggles something loose and I'm ready to get back to a project.

    1. Yes! I hope you've been able to take lots of mini vacations this summer, Sue!

  2. I love the chance to do the unexpected. Growing a big garden and harvesting vegetables has been unexpected for me and fun! Enjoy the rest of summer!

    1. Oh, how nice, Kathy, to enjoy the fruit of your labor! Happy summer writing!

  3. I find that my creativity and productivity often soar when I travel. And this summer, I tried a new sport, pickle ball, that I actually enjoyed (I avoid most sports that involve hand-eye coordination). Enjoy the rest of the summer!

  4. Oh, neat, Patricia! I just heard about pickle ball. Maybe that will end up in one of your books! Happy summer!

  5. My daughter and I have been gardening and making some beautifications to our yard. The outdoors always speaks to my heart. Happy Summer!

    1. Oh, how fun, Charlotte. Maybe something will spark a story.
