Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Read Your World Day ~Christy Mihaly

(Early) Read Your World Day Greetings!

Read Your World Day (formerly Multicultural Children's Book Day) is coming Jan. 30. Now in its thirteenth year, this children's literacy initiative was founded by Valarie Budayr and Mia Wenjen, two diverse book-loving moms who saw a need to shine the spotlight on kids' multicultural books and authors while working to get those books into the hands of young readers and educators.

Read Your World’s mission is to raise awareness of the importance of including books celebrating diversity in homes and school bookshelves. Read about the Read Your World Mission and history HERE.

In celebration, GROG is joining bajillions of bloggers to post reviews of new and notable diverse books during January. I'm sharing three books here, all published in 2024. (I received complimentary copies and/or pdfs for review through the Read Your World program.) I love the wealth of different creative voices out there, and the vast range of book offerings for adults wanting to share the big wide world with their kiddos.

First up is There's a Robot in my Classroom, by Dr. Carlotta A. Berry, illustrated by Anak Bulu. Dr. Berry, a professor in electrical and computer engineering, is doing important work to diversify the engineering profession, and she is both a textbook author and the writer of a series of children's picture books about robots, of which this is one.

We're talking about real little robots that kids create and program. In There's a Robot in My Classroom, Miguel starts with a shoebox, adds sensors, lights, wheels, motors, and other parts, then writes the code to control his robot creation. This is a fun and empowering STEM story for robot fans and the robot-curious. 

The picture book Together is Better, written by Diane Costa and illustrated by Grace Tan, is a cheery romp through a diverse neighborhood. It centers on  the various neighbors that make up the community and describes how they help one another and enjoy shared activities. This book is a celebration of community and will make a great conversation starter.

The publisher, Language Lizard, specializes in multi-lingual books and translations and offers books in more than 60 languages. Together is Better is available in Dari, Haitian Creole, Pashto, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian. Wow!

My Dreidel, written and illustrated by the talented Ann Diament Koffsky, is an adorable board book that introduces both dreidels and the process of trying and failing and trying again. It was published by Apples & Honey Press, an imprint of Berhman House. 

The puppy protagonist in this story wants to spin her dreidel. After initial failures, she succeeds with some help. The book includes a simple explanation of the Hebrew letters on each side of the dreidel and their meanings. This is a great choice for the littlest book lovers, at Hanukkah or any time.

So, why not read some new books this month? You might like to start with these three diverse choices. Leave a comment about your own favorites. 

And read on for more information about Read Your World Day 2025 sponsors, educational resources, and activities -- including the cool virtual party -- with prizes!

Read Your World is honored to be supported by these generous donors:

FOUNDER’S CIRCLE: Mia Wenjen (Pragmaticmom) and Valarie Budayr (

🏅 Super Platinum Sponsor: Author Deedee Cummings and Make A Way Media

🏅 Platinum Sponsors: Publisher Spotlight and  Language Lizard Bilingual Books in 60 Languages 

🏅 Gold Sponsors:  Third State Books 

🏅 Silver Sponsors: Red Comet Press and Lerner Books 

🏅 Silver Corporate Sponsor:  Scholastic Books 

🏅 Bronze Sponsors:  Lee and Low 

🏅 Corporate Sponsor: Crayola Education

Read Your World is honored to be supported by these Author Sponsors!

Authors: Stephanie M. Wildman, Martha Seif Simpson, Anna Jennings, Gwen Jackson, Afsaneh Moradian, Josh Funk, Nancy Tupper Ling, Kathleen Burkinshaw, Gea Meijering, Eugenia Chu, Dorktales Story Time, Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett, Authors J.C. Kato and J.C.², Cynthia Levinson, Diana Huang, Rochelle MelanderLisa Chong, Lisa StringfellowBrunella Costaglioga, Lindsey Rowe Parker, Rachel C. Katz, Tonya Duncan Ellis, Shifa Safadi, Lisa Rogers, Sylvia Liu, Eva Clarke

Read Your World is honored to be supported by our CoHosts and Global CoHosts and by our Partner Organizations! 

Check out RYW’s Multicultural Books for Kids Pinterest Board!

📌 FREE RESOURCES from Read Your World Day

The Read Your World folks invite you to join the virtual party on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at 9 pm EST celebrating 13 years of  Read Your World Day! This epically fun and fast-paced hour includes multicultural book discussions, addressing timely issues, diverse book recommendations, & reading ideas. Plus, a 10-Book Bundle GIVE-AWAY during the virtual party plus Bonus Prizes as well! *** US and Global participants are welcome. ***

Follow the hashtag #ReadYourWorld to join the conversation, and connect with like-minded parts, authors, publishers, educators, organizations, and librarians.


  1. GROG friends, I am so happy to see this post and the incredible work you all are doing. I tried emailing the 'group,' if you didn't receive it, please contact me, and I will connect. I've got some great things to share, and I have a special request. Thank you all!

  2. Christy, a great assortment of books and resources! Ty.

  3. What a great initiative! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Tina. So many great books out there ...

  4. Thank you, Christy, for the terrific info and examples to explore.

    1. Thanks so much, Charlotte! Appreciate your stopping by GROG.
