Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Book Love by Tina Cho

I agree. I love books, especially children’s books. I declare February Book Love Month. And to show your love of books, I challenge you to write book reviews for your favorites, especially newly published books that don’t have a lot of reviews yet. More on that later in this post.

I fell in love with reading as a child because my mom read books to me, we went to the library, participated in summer reading challenges and school reading challenges. Some of my favorites that I still remember are:

Little Rabbit’s Loose Tooth by Lucy Bates

Owl at Home by Arnold Lobel **I even had the record to listen to the story! (Yes, that’s how old I am.)

Henry Huggins & Ramona Quimby by Beverly Clearly

Superfudge by Judy Blume

I fell in love with reading as a parent because there’s a bonding between child and parent that happens when you snuggle up with a book. I think my husband and I have the following books still memorized from all those re-readings.

My daughter’s favorite: Sandra Boyton’s Moo Baa La, La, La

My son’s favorite: Freight Train by Donald Crews

I fell in love with reading as a teacher because like parent and child, there’s a bonding between class and teacher. Some of my favorites over the years:

Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

We Don’t Eat Our Classmates by Ryan Higgins

I fell in love with reading as an author because I can study the writing craft and appreciate a good story. Here are just some. I love too many.

Louder than Hunger by John Schu

Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai

Red, White, and Whole by Rajani LaRocca

Lizzy and the Cloud by the Fan Brothers

Owl Moon by Jane Yolen


There are many little way to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all. --Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Readers, you can show some book love and author love this month, especially, by writing book reviews for your favorites. Sharing to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Good Reads and even on your social media helps a book and an author! You never know, who will see your review, especially on social media!

Here's a book review I just shared about a new picture book titled Soy Sauce, by Laura G. Lee. 

Soy Sauce by Laura G. Lee is a delightful, delicious story that shares the history of soy sauce as well as the variations among countries like Japan, Korea, and China in a fun, rhyming text. I love how the story shows the hard work that is put into making soy sauce as well as the fermentation process called koji. Charming pictures of Asian kids are accompanied by real soy sauce illustrations! Back matter includes more history about soy sauce and a visual dictionary. This is a fun book to introduce kids to a staple Asian ingredient. 

So I challenge you to write 4 book reviews, at least 1 review for each week in February. If you do, come back to this post by 2/28 evening, and let us know you shared 4 book reviews, and we’ll put your name in a drawing. One person will win author Christy Mihaly’s 3-book pack featuring Our Congress, The Supreme Court and Us, & Free For You and Me. Another person will win Tina Cho’s middle grade graphic novel, The Other Side of Tomorrow. And the third person will win former librarian and author, Kathy Halsey’s 30 min AMA (Ask Me Anything) about School Visits!

For more information about the authors, check their websites here:

Christy Mihaly

Tina Cho

Kathy Halsey






  1. Terrific post, Tina! You've included some of my favorite books and others to enjoy. Love the challenge for February!

  2. Loved this! Perfect for February. I'm sharing it everywhere I can.
